Friday, 4 May 2012

Another attempt at Port renewal...

I got back from overseas late April to the news of my appointment to the State Government's Port Adelaide Renewal project.  There were many really qualified people who applied for the limited number of positions so I was both surprised and honoured by the news.

In the 10 days since forming, the Steering Committee has met twice and taken government representatives for a Sunday morning walk of the Port (because there's nothing like embodying the experience of our fantastic town to get them enthusiastic!).

Someone asked me yesterday how I thought the Steering Committee was going to which I replied "if only I could be quietly optimistic... the reality is that I just can't help myself from being loudly optimistic".  That's right, you heard me, I'm loudly optimistic!

I have been blown away by the willingness of the state government representatives working with us to listen, to be open and to share.  If you've been up on the Hart's Mill Project website recently you will already know that access to the very buildings our community has been locked out of, including the Harts Mill complex, was unconditionally given. Here's a picture of the ground floor pulleys and systems that drove the mill - authentic, gritty and beautiful!

I know that many, many people share my passion for the Port. Our collective outrage, social action and the long struggle that saw good people losing their livelihoods, their health and their spirit, I believe, has resulted in our community, finally, being heard.  Yep, the fight to save the Port's authenticity appears to be have been won.

The biggest challenge for me is how to reframe my mindset.  I might have to slow down or stop "defending at all costs" and, instead, think really deeply about the opportunities ahead and how they might best work for our community. Perhaps to be "alert not alarmed".

Like other Steering Committee members, I'm keen to make sure that the people who aren't sitting around the Port Renewal table have an equal voice - that also includes people who didn't have a voice in previous committees and consultations. So anyone can contact me through this blog or facebook or when you see me on the street and, when they're up, I'll post the links to the Steering Committee, so that you don't have to go through just one person to be heard.

I have (cautious) faith that Premier Weatherill's intentions to renew the Port have serious regard for what our community values and for our aspirations and I, for one, am sincerely grateful to him and to our community for working so hard to get to this point.  Next...?

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